Red Caviar in the Cuisines of the Peoples of the World. Recipes of National Dishes

If you want a holiday - cook yourself a dish with red caviar for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Its rich color is pleasing to the eye, and its exquisite taste captivates from the first egg. Add vitamins A, D, E, and B in caviar and useful microelements - zinc, selenium, potassium, omega-3, and omega-9 polyunsaturated acids - you cannot find a tastier and healthier product! It is no coincidence that in many countries of the world, a wide variety of recipes are popular, in which caviar acts as a bright final chord. It is essential to use a natural product - wild, wild salmon caviar. It has the best tasting qualities and guarantees the absence of antibiotics and dyes that can be used on fish farms where salmon is raised in artificial conditions. One of the few regions where the requirements for the natural reproduction of this fish have been preserved is the Kamchatka Peninsula. This is a mysterious and fantastic region, where nature has retained its original beauty, and the purest water is rich in bio-resources.

The leader of the fish processing industry in the region is the company "Vostochny Bereg" / Bering Seafood, which is already well known on different continents. The plant, located on the Eastern coast of the Kamchatka Territory, has been successfully operating for more than 20 years. During this time, the company became a world model for the production and processing of red granular caviar. The output of Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood is organized on the principle of a short cycle: from catching fresh wild salmon to freezing a ready-made jar of red caviar, it takes only 4 hours. Of great importance is also the innovative solution in the product's packaging, which was awarded a diploma at the international exhibition "Prodexpo" – salmon caviar is stored without losing quality and taste throughout the year. The absence of flavors, dyes, and flavoring additives makes Kamchatka caviar a kosher food. Therefore, Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood products are trendy in the United States, where 8 million Jews who observe kashrut live. The freshness, quality, and naturalness of Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood products are confirmed by the Marine Stewardship Council and numerous international certificates and awards. There is no doubt about the excellent quality and 100% usefulness of red granular caviar from Kamchatka! It is no coincidence that it is in demand among sushi bars and fish restaurants. And in home kitchens, caviar under the brand name "Vostochny Bereg" / Bering Seafood is always welcome. It guarantees excellent taste to dishes, no matter what recipe you choose.

French cuisine: timbale with redfish and caviar

Cut the salmon fillet into cubes, fry in a pan without oil, then cool. Boil shrimp, excellent, peel, and mix with fried fish. Add chopped dill, a little lemon juice, a glass of cream, and three tablespoons of cream cheese, and beat well. We cover the molds with cling film and lay out a layer of the resulting mixture, a layer of red caviar, and another layer of the mix. When the timbale hardens, carefully remove the film, transfer it to a plate and decorate with red caviar. First, we send it to the freezer for 15 minutes, and then we move it to the refrigerator on the shelf and leave it for 2 hours.

Japanese cuisine: Rolls with salmon and caviar

We wash the sushi rice, pour 400 ml of water, and cook under a lid over high heat until it becomes viscous. Remove the pan from the heat and add sugar, salt, and vinegar to the rice to taste. We clean the avocado and cut it into bars. We cut the nori leaves into two parts and put rice on each half in an even layer. Lubricate it with a small amount of wasabi, and put chopped avocado with pieces of salmon on top. Using a mat, roll up the nori with rice. Cut the roll into six parts and place them on a plate. We decorate each resulting roll with red caviar on top.

Italian Cuisine: Zucchini Pancakes with Stracciatella and Red Caviar

Zucchini is peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. Add egg, flour, salt, and pepper to taste, and mix everything well. From the resulting mass, fry small pancakes in vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown. We put the finished pancakes on a dish and added stracciatella cheese and salmon roe on top. We use a sprig of basil as a decoration.

Swedish cuisine: Skagen toast

This dish was invented 70 years ago by the famous chef Thure Vretman, who combined Swedish culinary traditions and restaurant serving. Now there are many variants of this dish in the world - with squid and crabs. Nevertheless, shrimp, mayonnaise, and dill remain the classic ingredients of Skagen spread, and on top, the toast is traditionally decorated with a cap of red caviar. It is better to use peeled frozen shrimp or shrimp in a light marinade. Cut the bread into slices, free from crusts, and fry on both sides in a small amount of oil. Wet the toast with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Chop large shrimp into pieces; use small one's whole. Grind dill, and mix with shrimp, mayonnaise, yogurt, and mustard. We distribute the resulting mixture over the toasts, and with the help of 2 teaspoons, we give the caviar an egg shape and place it on top. Decorate the toast with a slice of lemon and a sprig of dill.

Finnish cuisine: fish soup with caviar.

Cut the salmon into pieces and boil for 30 minutes. We take the fish from the pan, add bay leaf, salt, and pepper to taste, and chopped potatoes to the broth. We clean the onion and lower it into the broth entirely. We cook for 20 minutes. Add 1 liter of cream and 250 g of cream cheese. Remove the bones from the fish and return them to the soup. Please bring it to a boil and turn off the fire. In the finished dish, put a tablespoon of salmon caviar. Enjoy your meal!


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