"Vostochny Bereg" - from Kamchatka with Love

In the village of Ivashka on the North-Eastern coast of the Kamchatka Territory, there is a fish processing plant, "Vostochny Bereg" ("Bering Seafood"). The plant has the most modern production facilities - these are experienced employees of the highest qualification and equipment with the high-tech fish processing equipment of the latest generation. The company was founded in 1998 and, for more than 20 years, has been engaged in the production of wild salmon and frozen fish of all types of cuts and fine red caviar.

"Product of the Year," "Innovative Product," and "Best Product" - are just some of the awards that have been received annually for many years by the products of the Vostochny Bereg fish processing plant. The quality of Vostochny Bereg products has been repeatedly noted by international commissions and various diplomas and certificates within the country. Thus, the company has an international certificate MSC, which confirms that the products manufactured comply with all the standards of certified fishing.

Kamchatka salmon fishing season (commercial fishing season) lasts from June to August. The plant operates around the clock during this period and processes up to 600 tons of salmon fish. The volume of harvested wild salmon and fine red caviar is enough to meet the needs of the Russian population and export to other countries.

The benefits of products "Vostochny Bereg" / "Bering Seafood."

The Far Eastern wild salmon life cycle is from 2 to 4 years. Fish are born in the crystal clear full-flowing rivers of the Kamchatka Territory, and then the eggs turn into fry, which slides into the ocean, where they mature and feed in the vast expanses. Adults go back to freshwater to spawn. After spawning, almost all fish die. A remarkable fact is that salmon spawns in the river where it was born. It is still not known precisely how the fish finds its way back - scientists suggest that it is guided by the sense of smell and the memory of the Earth's magnetic field of the place where it first entered the Pacific Ocean. This is the life cycle of the Far Eastern wild salmon, and this fish is a child of nature; it is part of the water element and carries the energy and power of the ocean.

At the enterprise "Vostochny Bereg," the production of three types of fish of the salmon family - pink salmon and chum salmon - is organized. The composition of this fish includes omega-3 fatty amino acids and the natural antioxidant astaxanthin. The red color of salmon meat is due to astaxanthin. This antioxidant is much more potent than vitamin C, E, and several others, so it is often called a super-antioxidant. With its composition, salmon has a beneficial effect on the entire human body - it improves memory, attention, slows down the aging process, and much more. Scientists on mice conducted an interesting experiment: the test group received many Omega-3 acids in the diet. Its life expectancy exceeded the life expectancy of the control group by a third.

Salmon is also rich in other valuable elements - phosphorus increases the strength of teeth and bones and synthesizes energy, potassium helps in the fight against depression and fatigue, and chromium ensures normal fat metabolism. It prevents weight gain, vitamin PP is necessary for protein metabolism, and vitamin B1 provides healthy functioning nervous, cardiovascular, and muscular systems.

It is no wonder that wild Pacific salmon and grained caviar produced at the Vostochny Bereg fish processing plant are in great demand among gourmets and healthy lifestyle adherents worldwide. A large proportion of consumers of the company's products are also Jews. For a fish to be considered kosher, it must not only have scales and fins, but its environmental friendliness is also important - the use of preservatives and food additives is unacceptable in production. A kosher product is a pure, permitted product that excludes any harm to the human body. And in this company, "Vostochny Bereg" ("Bering seafood") managed to achieve significant advantages compared to the production of similar products in other regions.

Firstly, the territory of the Kamchatka Peninsula is the only place on our planet where natural conditions allow the fishing of wild Pacific salmon at a distance of four hundred meters from the coast. This advantage makes it possible to reduce the time from catching fish to packing, cutting, and freezing - the entire production cycle is only 2-4 hours—raw materials are processed to retain all useful microelements to the maximum and have a great taste.

Secondly, the population of salmon fish in the waters of the Bering Sea significantly exceeds the people in the area of the US state of Alaska, where, due to the lack of volumes of fish caught, even with the most modern equipment, it is impossible to ensure the highest quality of the extracted caviar raw materials. To increase the volume of the finished product, salmon is caught even before it is returned to river waters. During this period, the fish is not yet ready for spawning, and its caviar is not ripe - it becomes limp and loses its taste and appearance.

Thirdly, it is worth noting the packaging solutions used for the products of the Vostochny Bereg plant. In 2019, the company received a diploma from the international exhibition "Prodexpo" in several categories, including "Innovations in Packaging." Due to the unique packaging, the manufacturer does not need to add preservatives to preserve the products. Thus, environmentally friendly granular caviar of excellent quality and the taste gets to the table of connoisseurs of Far Eastern delicacies.

 Vostochny Bereg is a world exporter of wild salmon.

Fishing here is carried out in compliance with all international norms and standards of fishing, without gross interference with the wildlife cycle of Kamchatka salmon, which is especially important for the conservation of the population. The fishing company "Vostochny Bereg" ("Bering seafood") manages to combine the status of one of the world's leading exporters of wild salmon and red caviar and at the same time be an environmentally friendly enterprise of the Kamchatka Territory, carefully and lovingly relating to the natural resources of the region. Chum salmon, pink salmon, and fine caviar produced by the company are always distinguished by their excellent taste and quality and are dearly loved on all continents.


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