The Quality of Vostochny Bereg Products Conquers the Continents

The Kamchatka Territory is a unique and fantastic place with various natural and water resources: about 14 thousand rivers and almost 100 thousand large and small lakes are located on the territory of Kamchatka. With such an abundance of water resources, it is not surprising that the region is rich in fish and sea delicacies, famous worldwide.

The Kamchatka Territory has one of the best resource bases, providing the population of regions and countries remote from the area with high-quality fish products.

One of the largest specialized fish processing plants belongs to the company "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood). A modern high-tech complex is located right on the coast of Kamchatka. Its production workshops and auxiliary facilities process almost 500 tons of fish products per day. All raw materials and the entire range of finished products of Vostochny Bereg LLC are of high environmental friendliness and excellent quality, confirmed by MSC standards - Marine Stewardship Council and international certificates. Frozen Far Eastern fish of all types of cutting and red granular caviar (chum salmon, pink salmon) are the most famous and sought-after products of the Vostochny Bereg brand worldwide. A considerable advantage of the company is the instant processing of fresh catch, which helps preserve all the valuable properties and vitamins of the product without using preservatives and other flavoring and aromatic additives. For example, cutting, processing, and packaging fish takes place immediately after the catch, from the catch of fresh wild salmon to the freezing of the finished jar of red caviar, no more than 4 hours pass. As a result, the end-user receives a high-quality product even after several months of storage.

Salmon fish has excellent taste and has a beneficial effect on the human body: it promotes rejuvenation, strengthens hair and nails, and prevents premature aging. In addition, it has an aesthetic appearance and a delicate texture, which makes it a popular dish not only on home tables but also in most healthy food cafes and Japanese restaurants.

Due to the excellent taste and unsurpassed quality, frozen fish of all types of cutting and fine caviar of Vostochny Bereg LLC are classified as kosher products. They are trendy among the Jewish people, who are dispersed worldwide. Jews have an exceptional attitude to fish, perceiving it as a symbol of fertility.

Observance of kashrut is an integral part of the life of the Jews, who, along with the rules of "permissibility" of products, also observe spiritual canons. However, this does not mean that only followers of Judaism can be adherents of kosher food. For health reasons, absolutely everyone can switch to eating exclusively kosher food. Moreover, in the modern world, products often contain markings indicating kosher.

When choosing Far Eastern salmon fish and grainy red caviar from Bering Seafood (East Coast), there is no doubt that it meets all the requirements of kashrut: only fish with scales and fins can be considered "clean." Accordingly, caviar will be kosher only from permitted fish - salmon caviar is kosher.

There is an invisible but very close connection between the terms "production" and "kosher," there is an invisible but very close connection. Even an initially "pure" product can be processed incorrectly or under improper conditions, and it will lose the quality of "permissibility." Also, a chemical additive or foreign impurity is enough - and the product ceases to be kosher. That kosher food is, first of all, natural products.

The company "Vostochny Bereg" carefully controls the quality of its products and uses modern equipment and technologies that exclude the use of flavors and additives. Fishing is carried out in an ecologically clean region by all the rules, i.e., when the fish returns from the sea to freshwater. A short production cycle allows you to save a tasty, healthy, and, most importantly, excellent quality.

The Kamchatka Territory is proud of its Pacific salmon, distinguished by a complex development cycle: it is born in fresh water and then goes to the sea. A few years later, he returns to his native rivers to give rise to new offspring. This is the best time for catching fish because the salmon has grown and gained vitamins and microelements, including from seawater, and the caviar has matured, and its quality is beyond doubt. Moreover, after spawning, salmon die and become prey for predators, so timely catch does not affect the reduction in the number of individuals.

Vostochny Bereg LLC (Bering Seafood) produces fish products and red caviar from two types of salmon: pink salmon and chum salmon. The main commercial species of the Kamchatka Territory is pink salmon, which spawns at the age of 2 years and is caught in July-August. For spawning, it occupies the main channel of rivers in the middle reaches and channels.

Chum salmon is the second commercial species after pink salmon: it is divided into spring, summer, and autumn, as it enters freshwaters from May to September.

Thus, the catch and processing of salmon fish are seasonal. During the spring-summer period, all the production capacities of Vostochny Bereg are involved. There are enough natural and high-quality fish products and caviar for the entire off-season.

Must say that Far Eastern frozen fish of all types of cutting and fine red caviar from Bering Seafood ("Vostochny Bereg") is widely distributed throughout the world but are in particular demand in the United States of America. This is explained by the fact that the American fish processing industry is represented only in the state of Alaska. There is much less fish there, not enough to satisfy the needs of both Native Americans and visiting Jews. Moreover, salmonids are often caught before the fish enter freshwater, i.e., ahead of the desired time. As a result, caviar is unripe and quickly loses its appearance, taste, and functional properties, despite a short production cycle.

Thanks to the abundance of fish, the Kamchatka Territory and the leader of the fishing industry, Vostochny Bereg, can ensure uninterrupted supplies of kosher fish products and red caviar both to adjacent territories to other continents. The company's products are in high demand in America by the indigenous population and even more so by Jews. More than 7 million live in the United States because there is no doubt about the kosherness of salmon and red caviar from Bering Seafood.



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