Red Caviar in the Cuisines of the Peoples of the World. Recipes of National Dishes
If you want a holiday - cook yourself a dish with red caviar for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Its rich color is pleasing to the eye, and its exquisite taste captivates from the first egg. Add vitamins A, D, E, and B in caviar and useful microelements - zinc, selenium, potassium, omega-3, and omega-9 polyunsaturated acids - you cannot find a tastier and healthier product! It is no coincidence that in many countries of the world, a wide variety of recipes are popular, in which caviar acts as a bright final chord. It is essential to use a natural product - wild, wild salmon caviar. It has the best tasting qualities and guarantees the absence of antibiotics and dyes that can be used on fish farms where salmon is raised in artificial conditions. One of the few regions where the requirements for the natural reproduction of this fish have been preserved is the Kamchatka Peninsula. This is a mysterious and fantastic region, where nature has retained its original beauty, and the purest water is...